Are fees making you feel washed out? At the RAH we aim to provide the best service for your pet. Our fees compare well with specialist companion animal practices in the Western World but we have some strategies for making payment easier if necessary.
- All procedures can be explained and prices quoted in advance.
Once a planned treatment is agreed, the owner will be asked to sign a consent form giving the veterinary surgeon permission to continue.
No elective procedure will be performed without a full explanation of expected charges and the owner's consent. You will not receive an unexpected bill. - Alternative options that may be acceptable and within budget, if not state-of-the-art, will be offered where the "textbook best" option is unaffordable.
- We are able to offer ‘special discounts’ for loyal customers and those with multiple pets. We have ‘New Puppy’ and ‘New Kitten’ packages to ensure your newest family member gets off to a great start in your home.
Our aim is to make it as easy as possible to fund necessary treatment for pets with an emphasis on preventive medicine, but with the full ability to treat disease and injury to the highest standards when necessary. The fees you pay are reinvested in our staff and equipment in order for us to continue providing the best specialized companion animal veterinary service in Kuwait.